Monday Morning Revelations

This post really speaks volumes! Let it refresh your soul this day.

Becca Ramirez

10540378_10105431998832611_7075674792250370158_nI’m not a morning person. I honestly believe that God intentionally gave me children that sleep until a decent hour in the morning (7-8) because He knew that I would be an awful parent had I ended up with children who wake up before the sun does.  However, on the occasions that I have to be up bright and early, I always find such refreshing revelation.  It makes me want to be a morning person, though that has yet to come to pass.

This morning I was awake at 330 AM (seriously people, no one should have to be up that early.  For those of you who do that on a regular basis, bless your heart.). I had the dubious responsibility of taking some family to the airport for a 7:00 AM flight.  I thankfully had a bit of time before they were ready to go, so I sat in…

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